Tooth Extraction
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Tooth extraction is generally a safe procedure. Additionally, our team will not recommend a treatment unless the benefits outweigh the risks. However, it is still important to be aware of potential complications.
Overcrowded or Impacted Teeth
Patients may also need teeth extracted before receiving braces. Orthodontics involves the process of properly aligning the teeth, which may be tough without enough room. Extracting teeth can relieve crowding and impacted teeth.
Severe Damage
Typically, the first option to restore a damaged tooth is a crown or filling. If the damage is too severe, trying to save a tooth may put oral health at further risk. At that point, tooth extraction is the best option to maintain oral health.
Trauma and Tooth Extraction
Traumatic dental injuries can occur from a sports injury, car accident, or even a simple slip and fall. While many injuries are minor, if the tooth becomes severely damaged to the point where restoration is not possible, an extraction will be necessary.
Although it is best to preserve a natural tooth, there are times when a tooth extraction is necessary. An extraction may be the best option to maintain oral health due to trauma, disease, or crowding. Tooth extraction involves the complete removal of one or more teeth from the jaw bone.
Tooth extraction is available at Happy Valley Dental Studio in Phoenix and the surrounding area. Many patients find that tooth extraction relieves them of unnecessary pain and restores their quality of life.
Initial Consultation
During this time, patients should go over their medical history with their dentist, along with any other treatments they have planned.
To ensure the patient's health, our team will take X-rays before the extraction and prescribe the patient antibiotics beforehand if necessary.
Patients should wear loose, short-sleeved clothing on the day of the procedure. Additionally, they should refrain from eating or drinking for six to eight hours and refrain from smoking for 12 hours before their appointment.
Prescribed Antibiotics
Patients may be prescribed antibiotics if they have an infection, a weakened immune system, or specific medical conditions.
Will I be in pain after my tooth extraction?
Recovery and aftercare for tooth extractions vary on a case-by-case basis. The type of tooth removed may affect the healing process because certain teeth have deeper roots than others. In general, pain should steadily decrease about three days following the procedure.
Do you always need to get wisdom teeth extracted?
No. Wisdom teeth extraction is not always necessary. They may remain intact if they are healthy, positioned correctly, and not causing any complications. Our team may be able to help you determine if extraction is necessary.
What should I eat after my tooth extraction?
Refrain from eating hot foods and drinking alcoholic beverages for the first 24 hours following your procedure. Soft, cool foods are ideal during this time. Additionally, chew away from the extraction site.
How long will it take for the area of my tooth extraction to heal?
Typically, the extraction site will take about two weeks to close up. However, bone and soft tissue may take three to six months to regrow.
Will I need a follow-up appointment after my tooth extraction?
This depends on the severity of your procedure and the treatment plan agreed upon with our team. Contacting our office is the best way to discover what to expect.